We are a multidisciplinary research team. Our mission is to addresses global challenges and improve the relevance of our research and its impact on people’s lives, particularly in the priority areas of environment, economy, and wellbeing policy.
Our researchers conduct research across a wide range of engineering materials and their applications.
Results of the 2021 Research Excellence Framework, in collaboration with the Sustainable Environment Research Centre
The Group collaborates with many companies, small and large, all over the world that include Tata Steel, Welsh Water, Nitech Solutions, BPE, Airbus and NPL. This has been fully demonstrated recently during the COVID-19 pandemic with innovative new technology such as a blood oxygen monitor and diagnostic test being developed alongside key organisations such as Sony, Panasonic and GX design and local health-boards.
Our engineering research facilities include 450 m2+ of laboratory space with composite making facilities, additive manufacturing facilities, laser scanner, aluminium casting facility, a fully instrumented wind tunnel, material testing facilities, non-destructive facilities, advanced analytical platform for gas analysis including a Sercon IRMS analyser for measuring the stable isotope ratios of gases and a Hiden HPR-20 process mass spectrometer for gas composition determination, a Waters UPLC mass spectrometer to analyse pollutants such as pharmaceuticals in wastewater complements a range of gas chromatographs and ion mobility spectrometers for the analysis of organic products, together with an embedded and electronics systems lab, as well as new state of the art photonics laboratories with high performance UV holography, coating facilities, and interferometers.
If you are a business in need of expertise, please contact Professor Nigel Copner, Head of Research. You can search for expertise in our research repository or click on staff links found on the individual theme pages. Our extensive facilities are also available for commercial use.
We welcome applications for PhD or Masters by Research study in one of our areas of expertise. Our full list of undergraduate and postgraduate engineering courses is here.